Wednesday 3 March 2021

10.6.- Concession and how to write an essay

When do you contrast?

Shakira's song lyrics

Introductory listening activity about concessive clauses

'concession'   is a  contrast between a predicted action and a  circumstance which should logically prevent the action, so the action is opposed to the expected logic.


A concessive clause is a clause which expresses an idea that suggests the opposite of the main part of the sentence.


Yet is used in formal contexts. We do not start a statement with yet.

These exclusive villas are only a five-minute walk from the resort, yet they are a haven of peace and tranquillity. 

However/whatever/wherever, etc.:

They express the idea of ‘no matter what/who/where’, etc.

Whatever: no matter what

Whoever: no matter who

Whatever I say, she says the opposite.

Whatever caused the accident, it was not a broken bottle.

Whatever he says, I'm going away 

Whoever was responsible, it was not the poor pedestrian.

However he tries, he will never...

Whenever it happened, it was certainly not yesterday.

Wherever you met her, it was not in my house.

 Even so

Even so: despite that

Even so is a prepositional phrase that can be used in a similar fashion to introduce a fact that is surprising in the context of what has been said before. It connects ideas between clauses or sentences:

I know her English isn't very good, but even so I can understand her.
It rained, but even so we enjoyed the day.
The evidence was only circumstantial. Even so, he was convicted and spent ten years in prison for a crime that he perhaps did not commit.
There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay.
There are a lot of spelling mistakes. It's quite a good essay, even so.

Concession is sometimes expressed by a subjunctive clause without a conjunction to introduce it.
1. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.
2. I will help you, cost what it may!


Collaborative exercises 1 and 2 on page 86

Individual Exercise 2 on page 86

Oral Production Exercise 3 on page 86

How to write a C1 essay


1.- Before you begin 

When you turn over the paper and begin Writing Part 1, take some time to read the task instructions. Identify all parts of the question, underlining which parts are obligatory and noting which parts are optional.

Let’s take a look at an example question!

Remember, you don’t have to use the opinions expressed in the box, but they may help you to get the ball rolling. Also, you only have to talk about two of the options given, not all three.


2.- Make a plan

Take ten minutes to lay out your ideas. Make a pros and cons list for each of the three options and then decide which two you feel most confident with. Here’s some things you might come up with, can you think of any more?


3.- Structure your essay


The essence of a good essay is a clear structure.




Here you want to introduce the topic in your own words. Your first line should also grab the reader’s attention, then you should paraphrase the question. Finally, try using a statistic or a rhetorical question. This will make them want to read on, right?


Paragraph 1


Discuss the first option you’ve chosen. Include a good topic sentence and remember to give reasons for your answer. Describe some of the advantages, and even some of the disadvantages too. This will give a well-balanced argument.


Paragraph 2


Here’s where you introduce the second option. Again, try to present both sides of the argument and give reasons for your ideas. Gradually work towards the conclusion.




State your final opinion. This should be a summary of the rest of the essay and point clearly to which option you think is the most important. Do not introduce any new arguments at this stage. The conclusion is where you tie-up any loose ends


4.- Useful expressions 


To make your essay flow it’s best to use some key phrases. These will link all your ideas together, and help it sound semi-formal. Take a look at the expressions below.

Why not use some in your next essay?



It is often said that…

It is normally thought that...

It is commonly believed that..

Many people feel that…

We live in an age when..

More and more…


Introducing & Addition:

Firstly, secondly, thirdly…

In addition…

What is more…



For example…

For instance…

As a case in point…



In contrast…

On the one hand… On the other hand…





All things considered…

As far as I am concerned…

In light of the above…

In conclusion…


5.- Some final tips

Avoid contractions (I’m, they’re, we’re) as this is a formal writing.

Use academic words or formal language

Use the impersonal style when it is possible. 

Practise under timed conditions.

Use model answers to practise fixed expressions.



10.4.- Listening: personality adjectives and part 4

Personality adjectives

What personality adjectives do you know?

Brainstorming on about personality adjectives known by the students

Sentences with the Personality Adjectives suggested in our Textbook

• Almost overnight, that sweet little child had turned into an antisocial monster.

• She was a conscientious worker and I’ll miss her.

• If you have to deal with a difficult customer, try to stay cool.

• It was courageous of her to challenge the CEO's decision.

  Most sales people need to be extrovert.

 She supports a number of idealistic causes.

• The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.

 I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.

• It was a bit insensitive of Fiona to talk about fat people when she knows Mandy is desperate to lose weight.

 He's very modest about his achievements.

 She was very naive to believe that he'd stay with her.

  He has a natural talent for sports.

 If you are unable to accept someone else’s ideas, you are narrow-minded.

 Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.

  He's far too self-centered to care what you do.

• He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent.

• In this job we need someone who is entirely trustworthy.

 He has an unconventional attitude toward work.

 The team is very well-balanced.


Collaborative exercise 1 on page 84 on Wordwall

Listening exam task on page 84

Individual Personality Test

What new adjectives of personality did you learn?

Say who your best friend is, how you met him/her, and describe his/her personality in five adjectives.

10.5.- Speaking: Reaching a decision and parts 3 and 4

What possible problems do you think can happen when reaching a decision in a discussion?

Collaborative reading of the pair discussion about how to reduce stress in daily lives.

Person 1: Hey, do you ever feel like we need to find better ways to reduce stress in our daily lives?


Person 2: Absolutely, it seems like we're always running on empty these days. Maybe we should try something new.


Person 1: Well, have you considered meditation? It's been shown to be quite effective.


Person 2: Hmm, I've heard about it, but I'm not sure if it's for me. Another way of looking at it would be to try exercise. A good workout always helps me unwind.


Person 1: That's true, exercise can do wonders. So, we're agreed then. Let's prioritize exercise to reduce stress.


Person 2: I think I'd go for that. But wait, what about hobbies? Engaging in something we love could also ease our minds.


Person 1: Yes, but don't you think that might add more pressure to our already packed schedules?


Person 2: Fair point. Let's leave it at that, shall we? So, exercise it is. Ok, which shall we have, jogging or yoga?


Person 1: Hmm, which do you think would be best?


Person 2: Let's just agree to disagree on this one. How about we alternate between the two?


Person 1: That's the one we'll choose, then. Alternating between jogging and yoga it is. Thanks for brainstorming with me.


Person 2: Anytime. It's good to have a stress-busting buddy!

Collaborative Exercise 1 on page 80 about classifying the phrases for reaching a decision

Videos about Speaking Test Parts 3 and 4

Collaborative Reading of the Exam Task on page 85

Collaborative Exercises 3 and 4 on page 85

Speaking Practice of Test Part 4 with the list of questions on page 85

10.3.- Reading and Use of English: Three-part phrasal verbs and part 4

What would you like to wish in relation to your personality?
for example, 'I wish I were faster to solve last-minute situations.'

Recording about Emily: the girl who wishes to change her personality

Listening Exercise about Emily: the girl who wishes to change her personality

Collaborative Online Exercise about Identifying the Meaning of Three-part Phrasal Verbs on page 83

Oral Practice about saying sentence with three-part phrasal verbs

Three-part Phrasal Verbs


Stand up for your rights.”

To defend yourself (with words or other non-violent actions)

“I’m sorry, but I’ve run out of time. Let’s meet tomorrow instead.”

To have used all of something, such as time, a food, product, or concept.

“His mom is not willing to put up with his messy room anymore.”

To allow (someone or something unpleasant or annoying) to exist or happen; to tolerate an unpleasant thing or person

“We are teaming up with the community garden center to bring fresh food to the school.”

To collaborate with a person group of people to achieve a common goal

”He looks up to his older brothers.”

To respect and admire (someone)

”He looks down on everyone.”

To think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect

”I’m looking forward to vacation! We’re going to New Orleans.”

To be excited about something in the future

”That meeting lasted three hours. Now, I need to catch up on my work.”

To do something you have not had time to do earlier

”I can’t wait to catch up with you!”

To learn about new things happening in someone’s life, usually a friend or family member

”I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids.”

To escape blame or punishment

”Let’s come up with some ideas on where to hold the birthday party.”

To contribute, for example, a suggestion or plan

“I don’t feel well. I think I’m coming down with the flu.”

To get sick; to recognize that you are getting sick.

”She broke up with her boyfriend last month.”

To end a romantic relationship

”She made up with her boyfriend yesterday.”

To reunite after breaking up with a romantic partner

Collaborative exercise 1 on page 83

Collaborative exercise 2 on page 83

10.2.- Grammar: Wishes and Regrets

How would you like your personality to be different?
for example, 'I wish I were more extrovert when talking to someone in Spanish.'

'I wish I were...'

Amelia: An introvert full of wishes

In the bustling city of Everwood, there resided a solitary figure named Amelia. She was an introvert by nature, finding comfort in the solace of her small apartment nestled amidst the urban chaos. As the city streets hummed with life below, Amelia often found herself lost in the quiet corridors of her own mind.

‘I wish I were different,’ she murmured one evening, gazing out at the twinkling lights that adorned the city skyline, ‘I wish I had the courage to step beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone, to embrace the unknown with open arms.’

With a sigh, she turned her attention to the worn pages of her favorite novel, where worlds unfurled and adventures beckoned. Yet, amidst the tales of bravery and daring, Amelia found herself yearning for her own moments of courage while thinking ‘I wish I had started another novel.’

‘I wish to wander through the labyrinthine alleys of this city, to discover hidden treasures and secret havens,’ she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid her desires might shatter the fragile tranquility of her room.

If only she thought wistfully, if only she could shed the weight of her insecurities like a cloak, to reveal the vibrant spirit that lay dormant within. Each night, beneath the blanket of stars that adorned the sky, Amelia found herself lost in a silent dialogue with the universe.

‘I wish I would seize the fleeting moments that dance like fireflies in the night, to embrace the beauty of impermanence and let go of my fears,’ she murmured, her words a gentle echo in the stillness of her room.

As dawn painted the horizon in hues of gold and rose, casting a warm glow upon the city below, Amelia knew that her journey toward self-discovery had only just begun. For in the quiet depths of her heart, amidst the whispers of her wishes, lay the promise of a world waiting to be explored.


Take note of the different wishes and regrets shown in the following video about wishes and regrets in movie segments.

Collaborative Online Exerise about Wishes and Regrets

Speaking Practice about Wishes and Regrets

Collaborative Exercises 2 and 3 on page 82

Wishes and regrets online exercise

A change is something we want to be different, so it's an alternative form to express a wish.

When do you think it's time for change?

This is a letter that a stalker named Mark wrote to Amelia after having read her story in a Facebook post.

Dear Amelia,

I'm writing you because I read your story in a recent Facebook post and I want to give you some advice.

Personally speaking, I think that it's time to change when it is needed, but in your case, I consider it's time for you to change if you want it, for example, it's time you read another novel.

To be honestly frank, it's high time you were a different person as it's about time you broadened your mind to expand your horizons.

Let me know what you think and keep me posted!


Collaborative Online Exercise about 'It's time...' on

Say something about yourself using one of the structures with 'It's time...'

Individual Online Exercise about 'It's time...' on

This is Amelia's answer to Marc.

Dear Marc,
I am writing you because after having read your email I realised how I would rather be.

As I would rather not continue being the same introvert, I would rather change than remain as the same person. In consequence, since today I would rather broaden my mind.

On the other hand, I would rather you modified your personality too as you said it was time to change. Therefore I would rather you didn't keep on in the same way.

Write back soon!


Collaborative Online Exercise about 'would rather'

Online Exercise about 'would rather'

Speaking practice about 'would rather'

Say something about

Individual task about unreal uses of past tenses

Speaking Practice

Subjunctive in Fixed Expressions and Verbs and Expressions followed by the Subjunctive

  Video about Queen's coffin enters Westminster Abbey What do you think about the Queen's funeral? Subjunctive in Fixed Expressions ...