Wednesday 3 March 2021

10.5.- Speaking: Reaching a decision and parts 3 and 4

What possible problems do you think can happen when reaching a decision in a discussion?

Collaborative reading of the pair discussion about how to reduce stress in daily lives.

Person 1: Hey, do you ever feel like we need to find better ways to reduce stress in our daily lives?


Person 2: Absolutely, it seems like we're always running on empty these days. Maybe we should try something new.


Person 1: Well, have you considered meditation? It's been shown to be quite effective.


Person 2: Hmm, I've heard about it, but I'm not sure if it's for me. Another way of looking at it would be to try exercise. A good workout always helps me unwind.


Person 1: That's true, exercise can do wonders. So, we're agreed then. Let's prioritize exercise to reduce stress.


Person 2: I think I'd go for that. But wait, what about hobbies? Engaging in something we love could also ease our minds.


Person 1: Yes, but don't you think that might add more pressure to our already packed schedules?


Person 2: Fair point. Let's leave it at that, shall we? So, exercise it is. Ok, which shall we have, jogging or yoga?


Person 1: Hmm, which do you think would be best?


Person 2: Let's just agree to disagree on this one. How about we alternate between the two?


Person 1: That's the one we'll choose, then. Alternating between jogging and yoga it is. Thanks for brainstorming with me.


Person 2: Anytime. It's good to have a stress-busting buddy!

Collaborative Exercise 1 on page 80 about classifying the phrases for reaching a decision

Videos about Speaking Test Parts 3 and 4

Collaborative Reading of the Exam Task on page 85

Collaborative Exercises 3 and 4 on page 85

Speaking Practice of Test Part 4 with the list of questions on page 85

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