Wednesday 3 March 2021

10.3.- Reading and Use of English: Three-part phrasal verbs and part 4

What would you like to wish in relation to your personality?
for example, 'I wish I were faster to solve last-minute situations.'

Recording about Emily: the girl who wishes to change her personality

Listening Exercise about Emily: the girl who wishes to change her personality

Collaborative Online Exercise about Identifying the Meaning of Three-part Phrasal Verbs on page 83

Oral Practice about saying sentence with three-part phrasal verbs

Three-part Phrasal Verbs


Stand up for your rights.”

To defend yourself (with words or other non-violent actions)

“I’m sorry, but I’ve run out of time. Let’s meet tomorrow instead.”

To have used all of something, such as time, a food, product, or concept.

“His mom is not willing to put up with his messy room anymore.”

To allow (someone or something unpleasant or annoying) to exist or happen; to tolerate an unpleasant thing or person

“We are teaming up with the community garden center to bring fresh food to the school.”

To collaborate with a person group of people to achieve a common goal

”He looks up to his older brothers.”

To respect and admire (someone)

”He looks down on everyone.”

To think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect

”I’m looking forward to vacation! We’re going to New Orleans.”

To be excited about something in the future

”That meeting lasted three hours. Now, I need to catch up on my work.”

To do something you have not had time to do earlier

”I can’t wait to catch up with you!”

To learn about new things happening in someone’s life, usually a friend or family member

”I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids.”

To escape blame or punishment

”Let’s come up with some ideas on where to hold the birthday party.”

To contribute, for example, a suggestion or plan

“I don’t feel well. I think I’m coming down with the flu.”

To get sick; to recognize that you are getting sick.

”She broke up with her boyfriend last month.”

To end a romantic relationship

”She made up with her boyfriend yesterday.”

To reunite after breaking up with a romantic partner

Collaborative exercise 1 on page 83

Collaborative exercise 2 on page 83

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