Wednesday 3 March 2021

10.2.- Grammar: Wishes and Regrets

How would you like your personality to be different?
for example, 'I wish I were more extrovert when talking to someone in Spanish.'

'I wish I were...'

Amelia: An introvert full of wishes

In the bustling city of Everwood, there resided a solitary figure named Amelia. She was an introvert by nature, finding comfort in the solace of her small apartment nestled amidst the urban chaos. As the city streets hummed with life below, Amelia often found herself lost in the quiet corridors of her own mind.

‘I wish I were different,’ she murmured one evening, gazing out at the twinkling lights that adorned the city skyline, ‘I wish I had the courage to step beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone, to embrace the unknown with open arms.’

With a sigh, she turned her attention to the worn pages of her favorite novel, where worlds unfurled and adventures beckoned. Yet, amidst the tales of bravery and daring, Amelia found herself yearning for her own moments of courage while thinking ‘I wish I had started another novel.’

‘I wish to wander through the labyrinthine alleys of this city, to discover hidden treasures and secret havens,’ she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid her desires might shatter the fragile tranquility of her room.

If only she thought wistfully, if only she could shed the weight of her insecurities like a cloak, to reveal the vibrant spirit that lay dormant within. Each night, beneath the blanket of stars that adorned the sky, Amelia found herself lost in a silent dialogue with the universe.

‘I wish I would seize the fleeting moments that dance like fireflies in the night, to embrace the beauty of impermanence and let go of my fears,’ she murmured, her words a gentle echo in the stillness of her room.

As dawn painted the horizon in hues of gold and rose, casting a warm glow upon the city below, Amelia knew that her journey toward self-discovery had only just begun. For in the quiet depths of her heart, amidst the whispers of her wishes, lay the promise of a world waiting to be explored.


Take note of the different wishes and regrets shown in the following video about wishes and regrets in movie segments.

Collaborative Online Exerise about Wishes and Regrets

Speaking Practice about Wishes and Regrets

Collaborative Exercises 2 and 3 on page 82

Wishes and regrets online exercise

A change is something we want to be different, so it's an alternative form to express a wish.

When do you think it's time for change?

This is a letter that a stalker named Mark wrote to Amelia after having read her story in a Facebook post.

Dear Amelia,

I'm writing you because I read your story in a recent Facebook post and I want to give you some advice.

Personally speaking, I think that it's time to change when it is needed, but in your case, I consider it's time for you to change if you want it, for example, it's time you read another novel.

To be honestly frank, it's high time you were a different person as it's about time you broadened your mind to expand your horizons.

Let me know what you think and keep me posted!


Collaborative Online Exercise about 'It's time...' on

Say something about yourself using one of the structures with 'It's time...'

Individual Online Exercise about 'It's time...' on

This is Amelia's answer to Marc.

Dear Marc,
I am writing you because after having read your email I realised how I would rather be.

As I would rather not continue being the same introvert, I would rather change than remain as the same person. In consequence, since today I would rather broaden my mind.

On the other hand, I would rather you modified your personality too as you said it was time to change. Therefore I would rather you didn't keep on in the same way.

Write back soon!


Collaborative Online Exercise about 'would rather'

Online Exercise about 'would rather'

Speaking practice about 'would rather'

Say something about

Individual task about unreal uses of past tenses

Speaking Practice

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